Thursday, May 28, 2009

Morgan's last day of school.....

I can not believe we have been through an entire year of school already! But today is officially Morgan's last day of Kindergarten! It seems like we just put her on the bus for her second day of school (Josh took her, her first day) Boy, has this year flown by fast!!

Morgan's first day of Kindergarten ~ August 12, 2008

Morgan's last day of Kindergarten ~ May 28, 2009

I asked Morgan this morning what her favorite thing about Kindergarten was:
"Helping Mrs. Lowden clean the clay off the tables."

Her favorite thing she learned:
"How to be the greatest little girl!"

That's my Morgan!! :) I Love You, Morgan!!

I will ask her some more questions about Kindergarten and post the answers later.

Gardening & Swimming

We have the garden planted!!! It has actually been planted for about a 2 weeks now. The kids really enjoyed helping Josh plant it. This weekend as they were watering it, Caden's job was to water the tomato plants, he was on his last trip and after he watered them he sat down beside them and said...." I am going to watch them grow." Well, needless to say, we had him get up, he would still be sitting there watching if he really wanted to see them grow! He is just funny!! But this comes from the kid who wears a "hank" top (tank top) calls the 4-H fair the H-4 fair. He has an Aunt Marcia, so therefore calls Morches park " Aunt Marcia's" park, and he rides a "tooter" (scooter). He for sure keeps us laughing.

Anyway, here are some pictures of the garden being planted.....

Josh making the holes for the kids to put the seeds in.

Morgan having fun planting!
Caden taking the job seriously!

Caden raking the garden!


Josh's parents have a pool. They opened it a couple of weeks again. Ever since the kids have been dying to jump it. It finally got warm enough to think about swimming, but the water temperature was still a little on the cold side. But they were given the ok to try it out. So last Friday evening we took the kids over to swim, the water was a freezing 76 degrees. They did not mind at all!! Morgan was the first one of the season in the pool!

Yes, mom.. it is a little cold. But she did not get out!

Caden easing his way in!

And... she is all wet!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Science Central

So... the weekend after Spring Break ( I know, what is taking me so long to post this?? That is a long story in itself) we took the kids to Science Central. They had visited Morgan school and she had a blast. But the real kicker was, they sent home free passes for a family of 4 to go!!! Who could pass it up??

The kids had a lot of fun! There were several displays in the building made by 80/20. Josh had made a couple of them for other Science Centrals throughout the US. So the kids and Josh thought that was cool. I on the other hand.... not the highlight of my trip! Anyway, here are some pictures of the day!

The kids on the Mastodon outside of Science Central.

Checkin' out the dinosaur.

Morgan on a seat that pull a rope to get it to move up. ( i don't know what it is called!)

Caden on the same thing.... it was a fun little thing!

Future Anchorman, Caden Poling. (yes, his mouth did touch the microphone and yes I did tell him to stop!)

Kids playing on the piano, fun!!

Josh playing on a exhibit made by 80/20.

Sorry I had very little details. I will tell you we had a great time and we will be going back!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Morgan's Kindergarten Program

Tonight was Morgan first school program at Little Turtle. She did pretty good. She got really shy when she knew we were looking at her. At the beginning of the program the kids were instructed to find their family and wave... to get that over with. Morgan knew exactly where we were at (she saw us when she was walking in) and she very quickly turned, looked at us and waved and looked away. I think if there would have been dancing in the program she would have been excited, but singing.... she likes to sing, but it just is not dancing for Morgan. Anyway, she did good and here are some pictures of the evening.

Morgan waving at us...
Miss Thing....
Morgan with her friend Alison and Abi

The program was about the seasons, her class was fall. Each class had shirts that they made with trees on them, then the leaves were done according to their seasons. It was cute. They also did some sign language in their songs. Morgans class has done sign language all year long. I am sure she is pretty good at it, she does not really do much of it for us. She gets embarrassed really easily.
So sad to think she only has 10 more days of being a Kindergartener!
Love you, Morgan! We are very proud of you!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Family Fun Day!

Today we surprised the kids with a Family Fun Day! We did not tell them where we were going. ( I like it better that way.) But Josh and I had planned a day at the zoo, picnic and playing at the part. All of their favorite things!
Morgan guessed where we were going, is remember how to get to the zoo.... But that was fine, it was cute to hear their excitement once they figured it out!
It was chilly and windy but a great day! This was our first trip with out a stroller, I was a bit nervous. Not knowing how Caden would do actually walking the whole trip, but I am VERY happy to say, it was our BEST trip ever to the zoo. It was great! The kids had fun, they were really good, it was just a good all around visit.
After the zoo, Morgan asked where we were going next. Of course we would not tell her, but we just drove back to Franke Park and parked at a pavilion. She then knew it was a picnic. They were both SO excited when they saw the playground! But we told them after lunch we would play. It was fun... here are some pictures of our day.

Caden riding a mini horse. He was SO excited to do this!

We had to take a picture of Morgan on her pony Cookie, so Grandpa Doug would believe it! Morgan has a little fear of horses!

Standing under the waterfall in the rainforest!

This tiger was super close to the glass and as Morgan was walking into to the Tiger Hut he was in her face! Needless to she she let out a scream, followed by a laugh!

Morgan and Caden crawling out of the tree house. I would have never let them do that before, but since there was no one else playing in there, I let them have some fun!

Posing for me. They were all about me taking pictures today!


Daredevil Caden! He is not afraid of ANYTHING! All boy!!! He had to swing on that so many times, before actually going down the slide!

My monkey girl on the Monkey bars! She is going to be a pro soon! She was very good at them!

What a fun, fun day we had....
Morgan is a bird lover. She had be taking pictures of geese, peacocks, red birds you name it anything with feathers. There were some baby geese there, and of course I had to take a picture and as we walked a way from them she said " I just can not get over those baby geese!" She is so silly... her and her birds!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Chain O'Lakes

Yes, I am way behind on my blogging and we actually were at Chain O' Lakes 2 weeks ago.... but here is what we did!
Our small group at church had a class party at Chain O' Lakes. We had a cook out, played on the playground, some of the group went on a Bear hunt, corn hole was played and we walked to the beach and played in the water. Although it was a VERY windy day, it was a good time!

Here are some pictures of the day....

Morgan on the swing.... Go Morgan!

Happy Josh, it really was a fun day!

The bear hunt.... Hope they did not see any bears, Caden is walking all by himself!! Then again, Morgan is the pink dot in the front!

Playing in the sand with our friend Lilli!!

Intensely looking for something.....

This week, thanks to my dad, we got a start of a garden! Everyone is SO excited about this, the kids can NOT wait. We plan to work in it a little more this weekend, hopefully the rain will allow us to!