Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lots going on....

First an update on the Dr. visits.... It was a great visit. We love our pediatrician! She is so super sweet. Anyway, both kids are growing great and very healthy. They both passed their tests with flying colors (she has them jump, bend over, count, talk, etc.) I asked her about Caden, he bumps his head A LOT!!! She was not concerned AT all! She said that was completely normal, and she would be more concerned if he did not bump his head often. Ok, I hope she is right! He bumps his head alot, sorry I said that already, but it is true. She also commented on how well Caden was doing. She said he is a miracle child! I would have to agree. The boy has been through so much and he just keeps going, on pace and everything. Praise the Lord for all that! There were no concerns with Morgan either. She was very impressed with both kids! I like hearing that!

We had a busy weekend, since we were sick last weekend we rescheduled Morgan birthday party for this weekend. But first, Josh took her to the Father/Daughter dance at Eagle Glen Friday night. This is their 3rd year going. This year they asked Josh's brother in laws to join with their daughters. They all had a good time.

Josh putting on Morgan's corsage.

Daddy and Morgan. How pretty!
Sunday, was the party. Of course, it was a Flamingo party. I had my first attempt at making the birthday cake. I have always bought the kids birthday cakes before. But thought, I could probably do it myself. So I did.... This is my attempt at the flamingo cake. Morgan LOVED the cake, she wrote me a Thank you note. That meant a lot to me, even if no one else liked the cake she thought it was that best and that is all that mattered!

The kids got robes from Grandma Darleen and Grandpa Doug.... They were both super excited to wear them tonight to brush their teeth! Too cute!

Well, that was our weekend in a nutshell.
Hope all is well with everyone.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Flu Bug....

We were hit!!! This weekend the kids and I were hit with the flu! What a weekend it was. Friday night we were all asleep by 7pm. I woke up for a little bit to talk with Josh about the next day. Saturday we were to have Morgan's birthday party. We decided the best thing to do was to cancel. We were uncertain what we were going to be like the next day. I was sad with the decision at first, but now looking back, I am glad. Saturday was a good day to just re-coop. We still were not feeling the best and then Josh came down with a slight bug too! By Saturday evening we were all in better spirits and felt good enough to have some fun on the Wii. Morgan got a High School Musical Sing it game, that was fun. We had a blast with that. Sunday we were all back at it and feeling good! Needless to say, we were ready for a new week to begin!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mickey Mouseketools

Caden is a huge fan of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. For you to understand this story a little better, I will explain Mickey Mouse Clubhouse a little for you. Mickey is a problem solver, and to help solve these problems he needs his Mickey Mouse head shaped "tool" (Toodles) which supplies tools for him to help solve the problem. (I hope I did not confuse anyone)

So last night at dinner, we were eating and chatting and Caden drops his sippy cup. He looks down at it from his chair, looks up at me and says " I needs a Mouseketool" he then cups he hands around his mouth and shouts "Oh, Toodles!" Everyone cracked up! It really was funny! Crazy kid!

This is the same child who wanted "Chunky Charms" for breakfast yesterday morning! (Lucky Charms)

And this my friends, is my Micky Mouse Clubhouse, Chunky Charms lovin' boy!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Weekend Memories

This weekend was a very low key one. I loved it! Saturday morning we took the kids sledding. It was a short trip (it was COLD), but it was a good trip. We went to DeVol Field. Here Morgan is before we even made it to the hill. This is a snow pile from the parking lot to the basketball court. She was super excited to go!!

Josh and Morgan getting ready for the first trip down the hill! She LOVED it. I think she could have been out there all day!
No it is "snot" cold out here! Ha! Caden is very cold! And with good reason. He was "tared"(scared) going down the hill. He and Mommy went back to the car to get warmed up while Daddy and Morgan had a couple more trips down the hill.

The kids waiting on their push from Daddy down the hill. They were full of laughs, but Caden did not want to try it again!

After a restful afternoon, we went to Great Grandma Marilyn's for dinner with her and my cousin Sam and his family. It was crazy there, but the kids had a blast.

Tonight we went over to some friends house for a Super Bowl get together. Yummy snacks, good friends and football, what more could you want!! Home in time for bed. It was a good weekend!

Looking forward to this week. I start a new family and my house should not be as chaotic! It will be a welcomed changed!