Friday, January 30, 2009


I am also doing the blog as a journal for my kids. I hope someday they will be able to see this and see how funny they were or what they did on certain days. I may even have Morgan do some entries.

For a little background, both of our kids go to bed at the same time. Morgan goes right to sleep, Caden normally finds something to occupy his time. Last night his creative juices were flowing. He called me into his room and told me he had cleaned his room (in the dark). I flip on the light and sure enough, his room was clean. He did a great job for being dark. About a half an hour later, I get called back into his room. He said, Mommy look what I made.... He had taken several blankets and had made a blanket collage in his bed. He did a very good job, and was very proud of himself. Josh and I were cracking up at him!!

After that we let Caden look through some books before he finally went to sleep. I would like to also add that we are ok with Caden being good in his room, as long as he is in his room and quiet. (and doesn't destroy it!)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hello ~

This is Josh and Trisha Poling, we are the proud parents of 2 adorable children, Morgan age 5, Caden age 3. Morgan is in all day Kindergarten and is getting smarter everyday. Caden stays at home with me, and I would like to say gets smarter everyday, but not sure about that one. I love being able to stay home with my kids. I have wanted to do it since having kids. The Lord blessed me with that almost a year ago. I lost my job where I had been employed for 9 year ( to the very day) I always said I would never quit they would have to get rid of me, and they did just that. I was bummed for about 1 day, then I got over it! What else was I going to do!! I thank them everyday for it!!
I blogged a little on Baby Jelly beans. I started that when my son was going to have his 2nd heart surgery. I kept up with for awhile, but have not been good with it at all lately. I hope to do a better job with this.
For those of you who know about my family... Caden is doing GREAT! He goes back to the Cardiologist in March, and we go for a well child check up on February 9. I am sure he is no longer off the charts for being too small. He is growing like a weed and looks and acts every bit of the 3 years old he is! Tomorrow Caden goes back to the urologist for his check up. I expect that to go very well, so well I am not even going. That is more of a father/son appointment! ;)
Morgan will be going with Caden for the well child check up, this will be a day before her 6th Birthday ( I can not believe I just typed, 6th birthday!) I swear she should still be a baby! We will be celebrating her birthday on Valentine's day and of course it will be a Flamingo event! I am excited to see what it brings!
Come back often. I will get pictures on here soon.

Love to all,